Our Businesses
1. Cell cluster mass culture / differentiation induction microplate business
Cell cluster mass culture microplate "TASCL" (taskle) was developed by our original microfabrication technology and surface treatment technology. The feature is that a mass of cells with almost uniform shape and size can be cultured in large quantities at once, and differentiation can be induced by long-term culture for about one month. It is easy to use and allows microscopic observation of cells on TASCL. The total cost of equipment, media and reagents can be reduced.
2. Automatic cell culture equipment / screening equipment
The small-sized automatic cell culture device “Desk-Top CPC” using TASCL is an innovative device that can control cell culture automatically at a low cost. We plan to manufacture and sell in the near future.
We will also investigate the development of a system that can be used for drug discovery screening as it is after mass-culturing cell clusters with TASCL.
3. Cell cluster processing business
Using TASCL, we will manufacture and sell various cell clusters differentiated and cultured for research purposes. In the future, we plan to manufacture and sell these cell clusters as pharmaceuticals.
<Seven features of TASCL>
(1) Mass culture of almost uniform cell clusters at a time (about 3600 / about 6000)
(2) The state of the cells can be kept long and good ... because the bottom surface penetrates and the gas and medium circulate
(3) Differentiation can be induced ... Long-term culture for one month is possible.
(4) Total cost can be reduced ... Small and dense well structure saves equipment, medium and reagents
⑤ Opened and ready to use ... Protein-prevented, sterilized, pre-equipped
⑥ Easy to use ... Seeding is done by simply seeding the cell suspension from above (no centrifugation required), and medium replacement is easy.
⑦Easy to observe ... Microscopic observation of cells can be done on TASCL
For more information about TASCL, please refer to “About TASCL”.
About Us
1) Regenerative medical device business
2) Cell cluster processing business
3) Cell cluster automatic culture business
4) Cell cluster analysis business
3D cell cluster (spheroid) mass culture / differentiation induction microplate "TASCL" is a product developed by our original microfabrication technology and surface treatment technology.
Our company was established on July 11, 2018, as a company responsible for cell cluster solutions based on TASCL. We hope that the products we offer will eventually spread to regenerative medicine research and clinical settings and contribute to the promotion of regenerative medicine in Japan and overseas.
Cymss-bio, Inc.,
Jun Kadowaki